Am I Cured Yet?


Patient Talking with Doctor

When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the first thing they want to know is whether or not the cancer can be cured. Upon completing treatment, they want to know if the cancer is completely gone and cured now. Finally, after some years have passed since the diagnosis, if the cancer has remained undetectable, most will ask, “Am I cured yet?” In each situation, most patients will not hear the answer they are looking for, which is a definite “yes.” Doctors are so hesitant to use the word cure that I have labeled it the second “C” word in the cancer universe.

The first “C” word is, of course, cancer itself.  For over a century since cancer was first described and subsequently came to be feared as a potentially lethal illness, people did not freely and openly utter the word. They avoided it in public and even private conversation. A person had “a growth” or “a mass.” A friend or loved one was “ill” or “very sick” but never with “cancer.” If mentioned, it was only in a whisper. The word itself was referred to as the “C” word and everyone knew what that meant. Betty Ford is credited with bringing cancer into the forum of public discussion, of allowing women to come forth with their struggles against breast cancer and, as a society, we have never looked back. The word “cancer” is now a common topic of conversation, found on stadium marquees for fundraising and is the topic of many blogs such as this one. So it is rather surprising to think that there remains another “C” word that is rarely uttered. But in contrast to “cancer” this word brings great joy and spiritual exaltation. It is the anti-cancer. Despite this, the word is mainly uttered in hushed tones or as a prayer. This “C” word is “cured.”

For a person affected by cancer, the word they want to hear most is “cure” or “cured,” in that they can be or are cured of their cancer. They may have a hard time extracting this from their physicians. Doctors and in particular oncologists are not taught specifically how to use the word cure. If one looks in the index sections of the largest, most respected textbooks on cancer, “cure” is strangely not there. Oncologists are trained to use the term remission: when a cancer is shrunken or removed, either partially or completely, leading to partial remission or complete remission. They also speak of “remission duration”(how long a remission lasts). They talk and write in terms of “survival,” “long-term survival,” and “progression-free survival.” Cancer patients are hard pressed to hear an oncologist say, “Yes, you are cured. You do not need to worry about this cancer again.” Rather, individuals who had cancer and are now cancer free are placed in survivorship clinics or long-term surveillance with their oncologists; they may be told that they are “likely cured” but never fully reassured. The yoke of cancer never seems to be lifted.

So it seems to be the health professionals who have the most difficulty in uttering the second “C” word. Why is this so? For the vast majority of cancers, the physicians will be able to make an accurate prognosis and assess whether the disease is, by and large, curable or non-curable. The non-metastatic stages (typically stages I, II, or III) of the most common cancers, such as breast, prostate, ovary, colon and lung, may be curable. In contrast, the metastatic form of these cancers (stage IV), when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (such as the liver, lung, bones or brain) is usually not curable. Of course, exceptions abound and every patient is unique; some with stage IV cancer can be cured but this can never be predicted. Still, even for highly curable stage I cancers, there can be relapses and some of these can occur after 5 years (the number most used in cancer statistics to imply cure).  An extreme example is kidney cancer, in which relapses have been described as late as 20 years after initial treatment. Furthermore, many blood cancers, such as indolent lymphomas and multiple myeloma, are not yet considered curable even though a patient may be in remission for 5 or 10 years. This knowledge makes oncologists skittish about proclaiming someone cured of their cancer. We know because we live it….

So, when can a patient believe with confidence that they are cured and when should their oncologist tell them that they are? I can only speak for myself and say that I love to tell one of my patients that I believe they are cured. Just letting the word out into the open has a magical effect. I feel comfortable saying this with confidence if a patient was treated for an aggressive cancer and it has not returned after five years. I always have to qualify it with “I believe” and “we can’t absolutely predict the future” and, most importantly, the patient will need to continue to see me for the foreseeable future, perhaps only at yearly intervals. But I do utter the cure word. If we can utter the first C word, then we should be able to utter the second one and we plan to do it…survive….

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness….


team destiny

Making Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes isn’t accomplished by forcing yourself to want it enough – it’s achieved by being honest with yourself about which stage you are at in

terms of really being ready to make a change.   According to the trans theoretical model –  there are five stages of change – each of which can help you better

understand your willingness – or unwillingness –  to change.

  • In the first stage – precontemplation – individuals have absolutely no intention of changing their behavior and may not even be aware that they should be.
  • The second stage – contemplation – is when an individual understands there is a behavior that needs to change and is seriously thinking about it…… but is still
  • not committed to do anything about it.

In the third stage – preparation – individuals are ready to change and are planning out just how they will make it happen.

The fourth stage – action – is the stage in which individuals actually make changes to their behavior and begin to form new – healthier habits.

The final stage – maintenance – is the best stage to be in —  these individuals have successfully made lifestyle changes and are in it for the long run.

0r allow me to show you a way to turn your monthly expenses into valuable financial assets…. call don for the link and password….

Which stage of change are you in?

What Changes Are You Making

What Changes Are You Making

and as always you must live well to be well……to your personal wellness…..

don (603 -686-7186)

team destiny


happy smile

happy smile


Why do people take fiber?

A number of studies have found that a high intake of total fiber, from foods and supplements, lowers the risk of heart disease. High-fiber diets have also been associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools. It helps treat constipation and diverticular disease and may help people with some types of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Some studies seem to show that insoluble fiber can reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, larger and more recent studies have shown no benefit.

Soluble fiber seems to lower cholesterol levels. It binds with cholesterol in the intestines and prevents it from being absorbed. Soluble fiber may also be useful in treating diabetes and insulin resistance (prediabetes). It can slow the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to improve blood sugar levels.

Since fiber is filling and has very few calories, high-fiber foods may also help with weight loss.

How much fiber should you take?

Fiber that comes from whole foods is called dietary fiber. Fiber that’s sold in supplements, or added to fortified foods, is called functional fiber. The Institute of Medicine has set an adequate intake (AI) for total fiber, which includes all sources. Getting this amount of fiber should be enough to stay healthy. Doctors may recommend higher doses of fiber.

Adequate Intake (AI)
1-3 years 19 g/day
4-8 years 25 g/day
9-18 years 26 g/day
19-50 years 25 g/day
51 years and up 21 g/day
Pregnant 28 g/day
Breastfeeding 29 g/day
9-13 years 31 g/day
14-50 years 38 g/day
51 years and up 30 g/day

Even in high amounts, fiber seems safe. Experts have not discovered an amount of fiber that’s harmful.

Can you get fiber naturally from foods?

Most people in the U.S. take in much less fiber than they should. The best way to get it is from whole foods, like a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Some good sources of soluble fiber include:

  • Oatmeal and oat bran
  • Apples, citrus fruits, and strawberries
  • Beans, peas, and lentils
  • Barley
  • Rice bran

And some sources of insoluble fiber are:

  • Cereal brans
  • Whole grains, like barley
  • Whole-wheat breads, wheat cereals, and wheat bran
  • Vegetables like carrots, cabbage, beets, and cauliflower
  • and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness


October 6, 2012 – Red Meat

shopping well

shopping well

Does eating red meat increase the risk of cancer and heart disease?

A: For heart disease, the answer is pretty clear. Some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease.

When it comes to cancer, the answer is not so clear. Many researchers say it does raise the risk, especially for colorectal cancer.

A recent National Institutes of Health-AARP study of more than a half-million older Americans concluded that people who ate the most red meat and processed meat over a 10-year-period were likely to die sooner than those who ate smaller amounts. Those who ate about 4 ounces of red meat a day were more likely to die of cancer or heart disease than those who ate the least, about a half-ounce a day. Epidemiologists classified the increased risk as “modest” in the study.

The meat industry contends there is no link between red meat, processed meats, and cancer, and says that lean red meat fits into a heart-healthy diet. A meat industry spokeswoman criticized the design of the NIH-AARP study, saying that studies that rely on participants to recall what foods they eat cannot prove cause and effect. “Many of these suggestions could be nothing more than statistical noise,” says Janet Riley, a senior vice president of the American Meat Institute, a trade group.

But many studies have found similar links. Another one that followed more than 72,000 women for 18 years found that those who ate a Western-style diet high in red and processed meats, desserts, refined grains, and French fries had an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and death from other causes.

“The association between consumption of red and processed meats and cancer, particularly colorectal cancer, is very consistent,” says Marji McCullough, PhD, a nutritional epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society.

After a systemic review of scientific studies, an expert panel of the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research concluded in 2007 that “red or processed meats are convincing or probable sources of some cancers.” Their report says evidence is convincing for a link between red meat, processed meat, and colorectal cancer, and limited but suggestive for links to lung, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.

we approve

we approve

Rashmi Sinha, PhD, the lead author of the National Cancer Institute study, points to a large number of studies that link red meat consumption with chronic diseases.

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness…


team destiny

September 16, 2012 – “You’re doing a good job.” Do you believe him?

not lying

not lying

Your boss tells you, “You’re doing a good job.” Do you believe him? You are interviewing a candidate for a job. She says, -“I left my previous job – because I was tired of the long commute.” Your romantic partner tells you, “I am not having an affair.” True? It’s easier than you think to become a human lie detector.  Look for Suspicious Behaviors By themselves – each of these behaviors can just be signs of stress – or even a person’s natural mannerisms.

One can occur by chance – but when two or more of these behaviors suddenly appear at a moment when lying could be expedient – you should be skeptical. For example – when you ask a salesman how reliable that used car is – it suggests he’s lying.

Here’s the top eight list of suspicious behaviors:  A change in the voice’s pitch.  A change in the rate of speech.  A sudden increase in the number of “ums” and “ahs.” A change in eye contact.  Normally –  one makes eye contact one-quarter to one-half of the time. If suddenly – at the convenient moment to lie – he’s staring at you or looking away – beware.  Turning his body away from you –  even if just slightly.  Suddenly being able to see the white on the top and bottom of a person’s eyes, not just the sides.  A hand reaching, even if momentarily –  to cover part of the face – especially the mouth.  Nervous movement of feet or legs.

Of course, in order to notice a change – you need a baseline.  So you must first watch the person when talking about innocuous issues.  A Mixed Signal Also look for mixed signals.  When someone’s telling the truth – her words –  her face and her body language are all congruent.  For example –  if a person is honestly saying that she likes you – her face is usually relaxed – offering a gentle smile and warm eyes.  Her body is calm and open.  But when she’s lying –  something is usually inconsistent.  In the most obvious case –  she may be saying she likes you – but she’s not smiling.  She may even have a clenched fist.

no lies here

no lies here

Better liars can muster a smile – but it doesn’t look natural.  Even better liars can put on a convincing smile – but their eyes aren’t smiling.  Still better liars can control their entire face –  but their bodies seem closed or cold.  Look for mismatches between words and body language.  When you’ve gotten a signal —  a change in body language or a mixed signal that the person may be lying  —  ask for more information about the same topic.  Are those same lying signs apparent?  That can confirm your suspicion.  Of course – there’s no foolproof way to detect lying.  Some people are terrific at covering themselves up, especially if they are naturally emotionally flat or have practiced their lying skills over many years —  certain political leaders come to mind.  But if you look for behavior changes and mixed signals at lying-expedient moments –  you will improve your BS detector.

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness…


team destiny

Say Bye-Bye To Stress

Wow A Double Rainbow

Wow A Double Rainbow

I want you to say “hello pleasure” – starting right now – let go of your tension and grab more joy from your life – and I mean every single day..

Now at the risk of sounding immodest – I get a lot done..  On any given day that  I work I exercise – and I even receive several hundred emails that I usually answer.. Most of the time I do not walk around feeling stressed about my load – but there are times it feels like life is one giant blur of frantic activity.  And while I have nice flowers all around my house –  I can’t remember the last time I stopped to smell them!!

Researchers are now figuring out ways for people like me (and you) to chill out and get more delight out of our lives..  Yup  – we need tools to deal with our stress – but it’s also important to look at how we can intensify the good.. This is because when you do – even the busiest days can feel full and happy and not frazzled. What if I told you that you have the power to stop stress before it even starts?? Would you be interested?? Well that is precisely what a report recently published in “Scientific America” suggests.  Yup – it turns out that there is only a tenuous relationship between stressors – the things that cause us to feel anxiety and stress – or our response to them – says Robert Epstein, PhD, founder and director of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in Massachusetts.  Now I say this is good news as it implies that with  the right training and preparation – we might be able to face any stressors with calm consequences.  So the idea is to – immunize – yourself against them…Now to do that you must:

Exercise to the rescue – we know exercise reduces stress in the moment and for a period afterward – but new research  from Princeton University suggests that working out may actually build new super brain cells that are more resistant to stressors.   That means hitting the gym now could help keep you smiling no matter what problems pile on later…

Next I suggest that you relive what has been good…When a friend asks you how you are doing – resist the temptation to download that awful commute – instead – try to recall something pleasant – like the great deal you just scored on something new..You recounting a stressful event actually makes us and our bodies –  stressed!!  But when you share a positive memory instead – that can put the brakes on those damaging effects…

And my last suggestion  is to take what I refer to as “joy break.”  When we are crazy-busy – our natural inclination is to cut back on pleasurable activities –  as if having fun is a luxury – well it isn’t!!  Research suggest that this is a big mistake.. A study found that people who engaged in enjoyable leisure activities had lower blood pressure and cortisol scores (2 measures of stress) than those who did not..They were also more resilient in the face of stressful life events.  A hectic day may cause you not to function well but you can head out for a short walk or call a friend for a chat – whatever –  give yourself a break….

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness


team destiny

The Skin You’re In

Treating a sun-burn

Treating a sun-burn

Sometimes – it’s what’s on the outside that counts..

Your skin – the body’s largest organ –  has many important jobs – like – protecting internal organs and regulating temperatire…Caring for our skin is important to our overall health.  But it’s natural that we want it to look good – too!  Luckily – many of the same measures we can take to keep it healthy will also help it looking young and fresh..

The best way to improve and protect your skin is to prevent sun exposure.  Ultraviolet radiation from the sun penetrates the skin and cause damage – leading to problems like wrinkles, age (or liver) spots thickening skin – and both benign and malignant skin tumors.  In fact, UV radiation is responsible for about 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers – the most common type – and about 65 percent of melanomas  – the deadliest type…

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. and rates are on the rise.   More than 2 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.  Learn how to protect your shin from sun damage and reduce your risk for skin cancer and premature aging…

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness..

don – team destiny

Skin Cancer Doesn’t See In Color

UV Rays

UV Rays

Here’s a question for you (true or false) – are naturally darker complexions immune to skin cancer?  Answer is  “false” – although Caucasians are at a higher risk  – people of color who do develop skin cancer are likely to die from it.. Mainly because it is often diagnosed at a later – more advanced stage..

Fortunately – skin cancer is almost always curable if detected and treated early.. That is why it is vital to recognize the warning signs – regardless of your skin color..

The 3 types of skin cancer are:

1. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer among Caucasians, Latinos, Chinese, and Japanese Asians.  Most often linked to UV light exposure – BCCs are usually found on the head and neck…

2.Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common skin cancer among African-Americans and Asia Indians – for who the leading risk factor is chronic nonhealing wounds.  SCCs in darker skinned people are most commonly found on the legs and in the anal and genital areas…

3. Melanoma is the 3rd most common skin cancer in all races – and the most deadly..  In Caucasians – it is mainly caused by UV light exposure.  Melanomas may appear anywhere – but most often develop on the trunk – legs – and upper back among Caucasians and fair-skinned Latinos and the feet in dark-skinned Latinos, African-Americans and Asians..  They also appear on the palms and soles – under the nails – and on the mouth – lip – ears and anal and genital regions…

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness…


team destiny

6 Steps to Better Blood Pressure

Healthy exercise

Healthy exercise

For those of you with high blood pressure –  a level of 140/90 mm Hg or higher – the artery walls are constantly being damaged by the force of blood rushing through them.. Over time – the damage increases the risk of heart attack – heart failure – stroke and kidney disease..

Take charge of your blood pressure with these 6 steps…

1. Limit sodium – healthy adults should aim for no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day.. (according to the American Heart Association).  That is equal to about 1/4 teaspoon of salt..

2. Set a cap on alcohol – the golden rule – no more than 1 drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men..

Healthy eating

Healthy eating

3. Eat plenty of fruits – vegetable – and low-fat and fat-free dairy products.. Their key nutrients promote healthy blood pressure…

4. Get physical – start with a 10 minute daily walk and build up to 30 minutes on most days.. Talk with your doctor before starting or changing an exercise routine..

5. Quit smoking – the nicotine in tobacco narrows blood vessels and increases your heart rate – which increases blood pressure…

6. Manage weight – if you are overweight – losing just a few pounds can make a difference.  Get there by eating smaller portions and burning more calories through activity….

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness..


team destiny

All About Fats

eat well

eat well

Even healthy foods such as carrots and lettuce contain small amounts of fat — and that’s not a bad thing. Your body has to have some fat to survive. Fat gives you energy and helps your body absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat also makes food taste good, helps you feel full, and helps give you healthy hair and skin.If you’re trying to lose weight, remember butter has the same calories as olive oil — 120 per tablespoon. But olive oil is better for you than butter because butter has more of the worst kinds of fats — saturated and trans. That’s true generally: Oils have healthy fats, solids have unhealthy fats. Exceptions are coconut oil and palm oil, which are so high in bad fats that they actually count as solid

All fats are high in calories, but saturated fat and trans fat raise the “bad” LDL cholesterol in your blood and can cause plaque to build up in your arteries. This can lead to heart attack or stroke. Hard margarine, butter, and shortening all have these bad fats. To keep your heart healthy, choose oils instead. Olive, canola, corn, and safflower oils contain the least saturated fat.

Most of the artery-clogging saturated fat we eat comes from meat and dairy products. Although ribs, burgers, and ice cream all rank highly, Americans get most of their saturated fat  — more than 14% — from pizza and cheese

Trans fats are a double whammy for your heart: They raise levels of bad cholesterol and lower levels of good cholesterol. They’re everywhere in processed foods like fries, doughnuts, and pastries. You can’t rely on the label to tell if a food has trans fats: Anything less than .5 g of trans fat can be listed as 0 g. If you see “partially hydrogenated,” it has trans fat.

Research has shown that some kinds of margarine, particularly the hard stick kinds, are worse for your heart than butter because they have lots of trans fat. However, there are some margarine spreads that have plant sterols, which may help lower cholesterol. Your best bet is to check the label before you buy, and read the ingredients list for hidden trans fats — or dip bread in olive oil.

healthy heart

healthy heart

When it comes to olive oil, it’s about color, fragrance, and taste — not calories or fat. All olive oils — pure, virgin, extra virgin, and light — have the same number of calories. The “light” in light olive oil refers to the color and fragrance. “Virgin” and “extra virgin” olive oils are less acidic than pure olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil has the most robust, fruity taste.

Olive oil and corn oil have the same number of calories and are mostly healthy fats. Neither contains any cholesterol. Olive oil has a higher percentage of a kind of fat — monounsaturated — that research suggests can help lower blood cholesterol. Olive oil also contains more antioxidants, which protect your cells.

Olive oil can last for years if you store it right, but tastes best if you use it sooner. Store olive oil in a cool place in an airtight container. Olive oil will get cloudy and harden if you keep it in the fridge. If that happens, let it come to room temperature and you’ll be able to pour it again. The flavor and quality will not be affected. Extra virgin olive oil can last longer than other grades.

Your body needs omega-3 fatty acids to survive. Cold water fish have lots of omega-3 fatty acids, but omega-3s can also be found in flaxseed, flax oil, walnuts, canola oil, and soybean oil. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower the risk of heart disease.

It’s not necessarily about how much fat you take in, but rather the type of fat you consume that has the biggest impact on your heart health

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness


team destiny

What Is Heart Failure?

Hospital Care

Hospital Care

Heart failure affects nearly 5 million Americans. Roughly 550,000 people are diagnosed with heart failure each year. It is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than 65.

What Is Heart Failure?

Heart failure does not mean the heart has stopped working. Rather, it means that the heart’s pumping power is weaker than normal. With heart failure, blood moves through the heart and body at a slower rate, and pressure in the heart increases. As a result, the heart cannot pump enough oxygen and nutrients to meet the body’s needs. The chambers of the heart respond by stretching to hold more blood to pump through the body or by becoming stiff and thickened. This helps to keep the blood moving for a short while but, in time, the heart muscle walls weaken and are unable to pump as strongly. As a result, the kidneys often respond by causing the body to retain fluid (water) and sodium. If fluid builds up in the arms, legs, ankles, feet, lungs, or other organs, the body becomes congested, and congestive heart failure is the term used to describe the condition.

What Causes Heart Failure?

Heart failure is caused by many conditions that damage the heart muscle, including:

What Causes Heart Failure? Heart failure is caused by many conditions that damage the heart muscle, including: Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD), a disease of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart, causes decreased blood flow to the heart muscle. If the arteries become blocked or severely narrowed, the heart becomes starved for oxygen and nutrients. Heart attack.

A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery becomes suddenly blocked, stopping the flow of blood to the heart muscle and damaging it. All or part of the heart muscle becomes cut off from its supply of oxygen. A heart attack damages the heart muscle, resulting in a scarred area that does not function properly.

Heart Attack In Waiting

Heart Attack In Waiting

Cardiomyopathy. Damage to the heart muscle from causes other than artery or blood flow problems, such as from infections or alcohol or drug abuse. Conditions that overwork the heart.

Conditions including high blood pressure, valve disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or heart defects present at birth can all cause heart failure. In addition, heart failure can occur when several diseases or conditions are present at once.

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Failure? You may not have any symptoms of heart failure, or the symptoms may be mild to severe. Symptoms can be constant or can come and go. The symptoms can include: Congested lungs. Fluid back up in the lungs can cause shortness of breath with exercise or difficulty breathing at rest or when lying flat in bed. Lung congestion can also cause a dry, hacking cough or wheezing.

Fluid and water retention. Less blood to your kidneys causes fluid and water retention, resulting in swollen ankles, legs, abdomen (called edema), and weight gain. Symptoms may cause an increased need to urinate during the night. Bloating in your stomach may cause a loss of appetite or nausea.

Dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. Less blood to your major organs and muscles makes you feel tired and weak. Less blood to the brain can cause dizziness or confusion.

Rapid or irregular heartbeats. The heart beats faster to pump enough blood to the body. This can cause a fast or irregular heartbeat. If you have heart failure, you may have one or all of these symptoms or you may have none of them.

In addition, your symptoms may not be related to how weak your heart is; you may have many symptoms but your heart function may be only mildly weakened.  Or you may have a more severely damaged heart but have no symptoms.

and as always you must live well to be well … your personal wellness….


team destiny

Are You Cranky? Water Is The Answer..

She is not cranky

She is not cranky

Cranky today?  Even mild dehydration can alter our moods.  Yes – even mild hydration can alter a person’s mood – energy level – and ability to think clearly – according to research from the University of Connecticut’s Human performance Laboratory.  tests showed that it did not matter if the person had just walked for 40 minutes on a treadmill or had been sitting at rest.  The adverse effects from mild dehydration were the same.  These effects can include headache – fatigue – tension – and difficulty concentrating.  Experts recommend drinking about 2 quarts of water a day.  So stop being grouchy by getting into water….

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness..


team destiny

Diabetes Risk & Amp – Your Waist Size

woman measuring waistWaist size can predict your diabetes risk, even if you are not obese – according to a new study.

Diabetes experts have long used both body mass index (BMI), a measure of weight related to height – and waist size to predict risk.

Obese people, with a BMI of 30 or more, and non-obese people with large waists are considered at higher risk.

Now – the new research finds that waist size alone predicts risk of diabetes – especially in women.

Some overweight men and women with very large waists have the same risk of diabetes as obese people, says researcher Claudia Langenberg, MD, PhD, of the Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, in Cambridge, England. In BMI terminology, “overweight” is a step below “obese.”



More doctors might consider using their tape measures.The research results now provide clear evidence that a simple measurement of waist circumference can identify overweight people (BMI 25-[29.9]) with a large waist to be at risk of future diabetes  equivalent to that of obese people.A large waist is 35 inches or more in a woman and 40 inches or more in a man.

Waist Size, BMI, and Diabetes Risk

About 19 million Americans have diagnosed diabetes –  according to the American Diabetes Association.

Most have type 2. The body does not make enough of the hormone insulin or the cells don’t use it effectively.

The InterAct Consortium, re-evaluated data on more than 28,500 people.

They lived in eight European countries. They were in the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) study. It looked at lifestyle and other factors, and chronic disease.

They compared about 12,400 people with type 2 diabetes with about 16,100 people without.

They looked at their waist and BMI data.

Among the findings:

  • Overweight women with a large waist (35-plus) and overweight men with a large waist (40-plus) had a 10-year incidence of diabetes similar to that of obese people.
  • Higher waist size and higher BMI were each linked with higher diabetes risk.
  • High waist size was a stronger risk factor for women than for men.
  • Obese men with a large waist (40-plus) were 22 times more likely to develop diabetes than men with a low-normal BMI (18.5-22.4) and a smaller waist (less than 37 inches).
  • Obese women with a large waist (35-plus) were nearly 32 times as likely to get diabetes than women of low-normal weight and a smaller waist (less than 31 inches).

BMI measures overall adiposity and gives no information about fat distribution

Adiposity is a term used to represent fatness. Waist size reflects belly fat and fat around the internal organs. (That fat is strongly linked with type 2 diabetes).

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness…


team destiny

Chocolate to Prevent Heart Attacks

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

My wife and I have long believed that dark chocolate has benefits — this is an article we found that we wish to share on dark chocolate…..

Dark chocolate to Prevent Heart Attacks (source Reid’s Team)

Reid’s team first looked at the treatment effects linked with dark chocolate by evaluating studies already published.

They computed the number of heart attacks and strokes that would occur with and without the dark chocolate.

They also looked at 2,013 people from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle study. All had metabolic syndrome but none had diagnosed heart disease or diabetes at the start.

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is diagnosed when three or more of the following factors are present: high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, high blood sugar, or a large waist size.

Reid’s team looked at costs associated with the heart and stroke problems.

They used these cost figures to determine how much money could be spent each year to educate high-risk people about dark chocolate and still be cost-effective.

Their study looked longer-term than most, 10 years.

Dark Chocolate to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke

Feeling Great

Feeling Great

First, the researchers plugged in the best-case scenario: 100% of the people eating the recommended 100 grams of dark chocolate (3.5 ounces, or about two bars) a day for 10 years.

This would prevent 70 nonfatal and 15 fatal heart attacks and strokes per 10,000 people over 10 years, according to the study model.

With an 80% adherence rate, there would be 55 fewer nonfatal and 10 fewer fatal heart attacks and strokes per 10,000 people over 10 years.

The estimates may be low.

They found that it would be cost-effective to spend $42 per person per year on education.

The education might include advertising, educational campaigns, or subsidies to pay for the chocolate.

as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness….


team destiny


Sunglasses Protect from these rays

Sunglasses Protect from these rays

woman wearing sunglasses With summer nearly upon us – our sunglass habits could use improvement – according to a new report issued today by The Vision Council – an industry group.

While 73% of adults do wear sunglasses – only 58% of them make their children wear shades – too – the report found.

More than half of us lose or break our sunglasses every year.  More than a quarter of us never bother to wear them –  despite benefits to eye health.

A substantial proportion of people still do not understand that UV exposure is harmful to the eyes as well as the skin ….

Even those who do understand – few understand it is the cumulative exposure that can be damaging ……

The good news is – some people wear sunglasses some of the time –  the bad news is –  not enough people wear them enough of the time.

It’s never too early –  to put sunglasses on kids.  And it’s never too late to begin wearing them!  Sunglasses will help save your sight!!

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness…..


team destiny

What Can Stress Do To A Man’s Body



Stress is harmful, no question. It can wreak havoc on your sex drive – increase your blood pressure – and overwork your heart.  That’s dangerous . In a 2011 study, middle-aged and older men who reported years of moderate to high levels of stress were more than 40% more likely to die than men with low stress.

Unfortunately – as every man knows – there’s a lot to stress over. “Men come in worried about being fired or laid off – or if they are in a managerial position, they have stress about having to lay off friends and co-workers.”  Long hours and work-related travel can translate into tension at home. And that often leads to unhealthy behaviors –  like eating too much or drinking more than usual. Over time – you increase your risk of weight gain – high blood pressure  – and diabetes.

What do we recommend?  Working out. “Guys who handle stress the best are those who exercise the most.”  “The best Prozac out there is exercise.”  Also  try yoga or meditation in addition to exercise.

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness…


team destiny

Sugar Belly

Visceral Fat

Visceral Fat

Soft drinks – sports drinks – fruit drinks – energy drinks – coffee drinks – cupcakes – cookies – muffins – doughnuts – granola bars – chocolate – ice cream – sweetened yogurt – cereal – candy ….. Can we agree that the list of sweet temptations is endless?  Well – it is!!!

The average American now consumes 22 to 28 teaspoons of added sugars a day – mostly high-fructose corn syrup and ordinary table sugar(sucrose).  That is 350 to 440 empty calories that few of us can afford.

How much added sugar is too much?  Cutting back to 100 calories (6.5 teaspoons) a day for women and 150 calories (9.5 teaspoons) a day for men may just mean a slimmer waistline for you and a lower risk of disease.

The fructose we consume in most added sugars appears to boost liver – muscle – and visceral fat.  Excess fat anywhere in the body increases the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.. But a fatty liver and visceral fat may increase your risks the most.  One last comment at this time — soda drinkers have a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes…..

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness….


team destiny

Bullying Makes Me Sick

Peaceful Children

Child At Peace

Being bullied hurts – and it can raise children’s risk of anxiety and depression.  And – it can take a toll on their physical health – too!!

A study in the journal of Pediatrics found that grade-schoolers who report being bullied make more trips to the school nurse than other students.  Some of these visits involve injuries from conflicts.  But – many are due to complaints such as headaches – stomach-aches – vomiting – and fever.  This makes me mad!!

Researchers say that stress is the likely culprit behind these symptoms.  And – the strain from being bullied repeatedly might wear down a child’s immune system – making him or her more prone to illness.  These visits could also be an escape strategy for children who seek a safe place to go.

And as it turns out – children who behave like bullies may be stressed kids – too.  They also tend to see the school nurse more frequently – according to the study…

Talk About It  –  parents should consider frequent trips to the school nurse a red flag – researchers say.. Talk with your child – he or she may be too scared or embarrassed to bring bullying up.  Let you child know that you want to help.

Be Willing To Act – It’s important that parents take bullying seriously.  In some cases – it may lead to a  life-threatening situation.  Visit this valuable resource – …..

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness….


Team Destiny

You Need Sunscreen

She Got A Sunburn

She Got A Sunburn

No more excuses – 69% of women lie to themselves – they say the don’t need sunscreen – wrong!!

Don’t you be one of them – Arm yourself with the simplest and strongest weapon we have against wrinkles – age spots – and skin cancer.

Some excuses heard are – I don’t get a lot of sun – I don’t need sunscreen because my skin is naturally dark – I look so good with a tan – I haven’t gotten burned yet – wrong  – wrong – wrong – and wrong!!

Now should you get burned – despite your best efforts you might still burn – here’s how to heal….. Pop an aspirin (immediately to help with the pain and decrease inflammation so your skin won’t get as red) – drink 8 glasses of water (daily – over the next 48 hours – water cools you from the inside out and helps starve off dehydration) –  and soothe skin (speed healing by soaking a cloth in anti-inflammatory witch hazel and applying it to the affected area)

and as always you must live well to be well


Team Destiny

Aromatherapy – More Than Just Hot Air


Calming Effect

Many people have found aromatherapy very helpful in terms of their general feelings of psychological and physical wellness. Aromatherapy uses volatile plant oils in a natural form in massage, candles and other delivery methods.

Aromatherapy uses “Essential Oils”. The vapors from these oils benefit many people when they are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, giving physical benefit. The aroma of the inhaled oils stimulates certain receptors in the brain, giving psychological benefits.

The benefits of alternative therapies like aromatherapy are difficult to prove or disprove, but millions of people spend millions of dollars on these products and do so again and again, so they must be feeling better.

Essential oils are different from perfumes and commercial fragrances in that essential oils are 100% natural and contain no man-made chemicals, as so many perfumes do. Many people use a special burner to heat their oils to vaporize them using a tea-light candle underneath.

It is important to take advice only from an experienced and qualified aromatherapist because too high a concentration of some oils can be harmful, especially if applied to the skin. Be sure to get expert advice because some essential oils can cause sensitization or allergic reactions. Sensitization means that you will have little reaction on the first exposure, but subsequent use will cause a massive adverse reaction. Penicillin has this sensitization effect on some people, a mild reaction the first time, but a second dose can be fatal if you are allergic to the antibiotic.

In aromatherapy massage essential oils, well diluted with “carrier oils” are rubbed into the skin. The diluted essential oils are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. Use of “Carrier Oils” is essential for safe application of “Essential oils” to the skin without very serious adverse reactions.

“Essential Oils” are often blended to give a greater effect than one could expect from the amounts of the separate oils.

and as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness….


Team Destiny