6 Steps to Better Blood Pressure

Healthy exercise

Healthy exercise

For those of you with high blood pressure –  a level of 140/90 mm Hg or higher – the artery walls are constantly being damaged by the force of blood rushing through them.. Over time – the damage increases the risk of heart attack – heart failure – stroke and kidney disease..

Take charge of your blood pressure with these 6 steps…

1. Limit sodium – healthy adults should aim for no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day.. (according to the American Heart Association).  That is equal to about 1/4 teaspoon of salt..

2. Set a cap on alcohol – the golden rule – no more than 1 drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men..

Healthy eating

Healthy eating

3. Eat plenty of fruits – vegetable – and low-fat and fat-free dairy products.. Their key nutrients promote healthy blood pressure…

4. Get physical – start with a 10 minute daily walk and build up to 30 minutes on most days.. Talk with your doctor before starting or changing an exercise routine..

5. Quit smoking – the nicotine in tobacco narrows blood vessels and increases your heart rate – which increases blood pressure…

6. Manage weight – if you are overweight – losing just a few pounds can make a difference.  Get there by eating smaller portions and burning more calories through activity….

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness..


team destiny

Finally… 8 Healthy Snacks for Spring Time

Spring is upon us, which means that we are no longer  bundled up in sweatshirts and pajamas sitting in front of the television waiting for the snow outside to melt in 3 months. Getting into that bikini swim suit (and looking good in it) is probably is on the top of your priority list right now. That is good.  You still  have a little time to get in shape but you must get going.

The problem with this way of thinking though – is that most people add fuel to the fire by eating junk food.  Living a sedentary life – even if it is only for a few weeks – is bad enough. If you want to relax this Spring – go for it!  But at least eat properly. Here are 8 tasty and healthy snacks that are great for your downtime.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #1: Popcorn – you are better off skipping it at the movie theater – but at home you can prepare it in a healthy way . A bucket of oil-popped movie theater popcorn can contain as much fat as 3 to 5 double cheeseburgers.  But air-popped popcorn is a relatively healthy treat.  3 cups of popcorn have just 93 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.

Healthy Snacks for  Spring Time #2: Pistachios –  pistachios are a great heart-healthy snack full of antioxidants – fiber and good fats.  A 1/2-cup serving only has 170 calories – with 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.  However – that serving also has 14 grams of fat –  so do not stuff yourself on them. The key here are the shells.  Since they are difficult to open – more work is involved -which will make you eat slower.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #3: Red Grapes –  OK – you had to have known that fruits and vegetables would be on this list.  As much as people want to avoid them these days – there will never be a processed snack food that will even come close to matching the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables.  Red grapes exist at the top of the pile.. Full of anti-oxidants and vitamins – red grapes are natures answer to sweet candy.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #4: Mini-pizzas – forget the frozen food section on this one.  Anyone with a toaster can make their own healthy version of frozen pizza. All you need is a whole wheat English muffin – tomato sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese.  The more vegetables and herbs you add to it – the healthier and tastier it will be.

Healthy Snacks for  Spring Time #5: Pita chips With humus – this is another snack you must make on your own if you want it healthy.  All you need is a large whole wheat pita. Cut the edge of the pita into chip-size pieces and then cook them in the oven until crispy before serving with your favorite hummus or dip recipe.  In general – when you rely on pre-packaged foods to do the work for you, the price you pay for it is your health.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #6: Relish Tray – pickled vegetables are extremely low in calories and a great alternative to snacking on high fat, high sugar processed foods. Marinating your vegetables in vinegar or heart-healthy olive oil will control the amount of salt you eat. The reason fruits and vegetables accelerate weight loss is because they are water rich – which means you get a full – satisfied feeling without the calories.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #7: Green Tea – you may not think this is technically a snack – but the health benefits of drinking just one cup of green tea a day can allow you to splurge a little more than usual and still keep your figure in tact. The reason this works is because this beverage has been known to actually stimulate and accelerate a person’s metabolism. At the same time it fills you up – so you have a more satisfied, healthy feeling.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #8: Protein Bars – this is the closest thing you will get to eating a chocolate candy bar that is relatively healthy. The best reason these are great for snacking is because they are not trigger foods like crackers and potato chips – so you will not want to eat a lot at once. Protein helps build lean muscle mass – which is essential if you plan on being sedentary until summer (although I hope that is not your plan).

Not that this needs to be said – but you can enjoy even more snack food if you can work some exercise into your life style.  Sit-ups and push-ups – or even getting up and moving around during commercials – will at least keep you more active.  You can even burn calories just stretching out your body. Anything is better than sitting for hours without moving. You do enough of that at night when you are asleep.

Just because you want to stay in and relax does not mean you have to eat poorly. Replace your junk food cabinet with the foods listed above and when it comes summer time  – you will find that you will not have to work so hard at looking your best in that swimsuit. The key here is that you  make an attempt to lead a healthy lifestyle all year around. I bet you look good in that swimsuit – don’t you?

And as always you must live well to be well – to your personal wellness…..


Team Destiny

Healthy Habits – To Improve Your Memory

To improve memory – you will need to develop some healthy habits and stick to them for life.  By practicing these habits on a regular basis – you may be able to boost your intelligence and also improve your brain power.  To help you get started – here are some habits that you can include in your daily routine:

Exercise regularly: Make an exercise schedule and follow it diligently.  Exercises help the amount of oxygen that’s pumped to your brain – thus enhancing the effects of helpful brain chemicals and protecting the brain cells. A regular exercise schedule is also known to reduce the risk of disorders like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases – which may lead to memory loss.  Even something as simple as walking can help as new research results indicate walking six to nine miles each week can put off brain shrinkage and memory loss.

Good sleeping habits – it is common to find people – who are  affected by sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia – feeling tired during the day – which makes them unable to concentrate on anything.

Are you in the habit of forgetting people’s names – pin codes – passwords – telephone numbers or even house numbers?  The good news is that now there are several ways to improve your memory.  Healthy Living Can Improve Your Memory!

When you get older you may begin to feel like your memory is losing some of its ability to store as much information as it used to. Although this is normal – there are steps – techniques – and even exercises you can do to reduce this effect and may actually improve your memory.

Improve your  memory –  caffeine has had a bad reputation for some time now with reports stating that too much makes us jittery and anxious and that it is better to stick to herbal teas and fresh water to have a really healthy diet.  However – some of us may be throwing the baby out with the bath water.  For the majority of the population caffeine is a fairly beneficial – useful and safe drug!  It can help us boost our brains and improve our memories pretty easily.

Instilling healthy habits in children – believe it or not – you impart a legacy of health to your children that goes well beyond the genes you give them.  You also pass along health beliefs and model health – related choices.

If you wish to improve memory – make sure that you get adequate hours of sleep as good sleep is necessary for memory consolidation.

Learn to manage stress –  the stress hormone – Cortisol – can damage the hippo-campus if you are under constant stress and can’t get relief from it.  Since stress makes it difficult to concentrate – you will also notice a slip in your brain power.  So – it becomes important to use tools and techniques like deep breathing – meditation etc. – to handle stress effectively- and improve memory.

Proper nutrition – a diet containing fruits – whole grains – vegetables – and healthy fats will improve your memory.
So – make sure to include B vitamins (especially B12 – B6, and folic acid), – Omega-3 fatty acids – as well as antioxidants like vitamins E – C – and beta carotene are in your diet.

Say no to smoking and alcohol – excessive consumption of alcohol can cause neurological damage and lead to temporary memory loss or amnesia.  Smoking is another bad habit that can constrict arteries, which deliver oxygen to the brain, thus affecting your memory power adversely.  So – steer clear of both these habits if you want to improve memory.

Remember that treating your body well can improve your ability to process and recall information.  So – include these healthy habits in your daily life to improve memory.  And as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness


Team Destiny