What Can Stress Do To A Man’s Body



Stress is harmful, no question. It can wreak havoc on your sex drive – increase your blood pressure – and overwork your heart.  That’s dangerous . In a 2011 study, middle-aged and older men who reported years of moderate to high levels of stress were more than 40% more likely to die than men with low stress.

Unfortunately – as every man knows – there’s a lot to stress over. “Men come in worried about being fired or laid off – or if they are in a managerial position, they have stress about having to lay off friends and co-workers.”  Long hours and work-related travel can translate into tension at home. And that often leads to unhealthy behaviors –  like eating too much or drinking more than usual. Over time – you increase your risk of weight gain – high blood pressure  – and diabetes.

What do we recommend?  Working out. “Guys who handle stress the best are those who exercise the most.”  “The best Prozac out there is exercise.”  Also  try yoga or meditation in addition to exercise.

and as always you must live well to be well….to your personal wellness…


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