Weight Loss Advice

Careful About What She Eats

Being Careful About Her Diet

So you have decide it is time to lose weight so you can get in your old bathing suit – not so fast – do you know waht you are doing?  Well, even if yu think you do -take five minutes and read this report slowly – buyer beware!!

Fighting the battle of the bulge can range from following a sensible diet to benign ill-guided efforts to extreme – downright risky behaviors. Some behaviors are unlikely to cause more harm than good because they cannot be sustained long enough to do damage but other dieting tactics can be downright risky and cause serious health consequences.

People get so focused on weight loss they are willing to do unproven and potentially dangerous things that can backfire and cause serious health problems says Michelle May, MD, an Arizona-based weight management doctor.

Do you know that extreme dieting can also lead you down the path and increase your risk of developing eating disorders.

Taking Care Of Her Weight

Taking Care Of Her Weight

Also, you skipping meals – weighing in every day – eliminating food groups – or relying on supplements to fix a junk food diet are not among the best ways to lose some weight –  but these behaviors are unlikely to cause you any significant health consequences.

So what are the most dangerous ways to lose weight? The worst of the worse are starvation diets – you fasting – or you going on a very low – calorie diet!!!

Severely slashing your calories leads to weight loss but the lost weight includes precious muscle mass and poses health risks — and most people end up regaining all the weight – plus some.

Rapid weight loss by critical calorie restriction causes water – some fat – and muscle loss – which ultimately decreases the metabolism – so the body needs fewer calories to survive.   It also causes a shift toward a higher percentage of body fat – which increases the risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Do not cut calories below 1,200 per day – otherwise you will struggle to meet nutrient needs – fuel activity – and satisfy hunger. Keep in mind that when you lose weight quickly, you tend to pack it back on with more fat and less muscle, which lowers your metabolism and calorie needs.

If it sounds too good to be true –  it probably is – diet pills –  potions – and concoctions purchased over the counter or ordered through the Internet are unlikely to be effective – not necessarily safe or capable of delivering on the oft exaggerated promises.

Over-the-counter diet pills may not seem to be dangerous – but they can still cause harm. “Most diet pills are nothing more than a quick fix loaded with caffeine and diuretics that can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance,” says Diekman – director of nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis.

The FDA does not give supplements the same scrutiny as prescription drugs.  Some over-the-counter or Internet products can be harmful – ineffective – and a waste of money.

The FDA urges people to report dangerous supplements through its Medwatch program. Buyers beware – Just because it says it is natural – doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe or good for you. This article has not been created to scare you but to recommend to you – there are no miracle weight programs and many have severe side effects – get your answers before you begin any weight loss endeavor….

And as always you live well to be well…to your personal wellness…

Don – wellness coach

Team Destiny

Developing Healthy Habits

There are many healthy habits you can cultivate in your life. Here are only a few of the things you can do.  Trying to be and stay healthy is a very worthwhile pursuit. This pursuit is like the elixir of

Fitness & Health

Health Habit

life because it can help you live longer.

There are many habits that you can cultivate in your life to help yourself stay healthy. One of these healthy habits is eating a large breakfast.Your breakfast should include about a half a cup of fruit. By eating a large breakfast you will fuel your body with energy for the day. You will feel much better throughout the day if you have eaten breakfast. The nutrients you can receive from eating fruit will also help your body in many areas. Many people choose sugary cereals as their primary breakfast staple. Unfortunately this is very unhealthy.  You should only eat whole grain cereals if possible.

Now many of us wish we  could  develop healthy exercise habits –  but lack the ability to develop such proper lifestyle choices.  Prolong Your Life by Improving Your Daily Habits

On the subject of health and fitness – prolonging your life is one of the benefits that you can have by improving  daily habits. It could be as little as never neglecting a healthy meal at  breakfast  or just taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. These health tips are some habits that can have a  great impact on your life. One of the habits that you need is a regular exercise routine.  It is as easy as – Reinventing Your Daily Eating Habits

When you begin a healthy eating regimen – it doesn’t mean that you must completely change your life.  There are many ways to integrate healthy items into the  foods you enjoy. Make Important Matters –  a Daily Habit

The book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” – authored by Stephen Covey – is such a great book for many different reasons. The part of the book that I like the most is in dealing with matters that are important or urgent. The majority of us get too involved in what we believe to be pressing – urgent matters – only to realize later they are thinly disguised time wasters.

The best cereals have at least 3 grams of fiber – but no more than 10 grams of sugar in one serving.

Be Healthy

Know How To Be Healthy

It is always healthier to eat the sugar you add – rather than eating the sugar that what is in your food.  Most of the time you will add much less sugar – but it is best not eat sugar at all.

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is easily done if you carry a water bottle with you. If you don’t carry a water bottle it is easy to forget to drink water when it not available to you.  It is also a  healthy habit to keep a food diary. You will be surprised with how much you eat every day.   Most Americans eat more than they should. In fact – studies have shown that over  2/3 of Americans eat more than they should. In general – women should eat about 1600 calories while men should eat about 2200 calories.  However, if you exercise – which is also a very healthy habit – you should eat slightly more than this. It is also important to realize that you can snack – but it is best to snack on fresh and dried fruits instead of candy or granola bars.

Eat fish at least once a week because of the nutrients that are found within the fish. The best kinds of fish for you are salmon – herring – or trout.  Nuts are also a great addition to your diet. Walnuts can increase your Omega-3 intake while sunflower seeds – almonds – hazelnuts and so forth will increase your vitamin E intake.  When possible you should also get away from red meat in favor of lean meat or poultry.  Eat red meat no more than once a week.  The list of healthy things you can do to your diet goes on and on. Many of these things may be looked up online.

In addition to eating healthier  –  exercise is also a very important habit to develop. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

At the very least you should go on a 30 minute walk .  Even if you can’t walk for 30 minutes in the morning – doing a few stretches or exercises can help you wake up and feel energized throughout the day.  You may also want to buy a pedometer.  The pedometer will measure how far you go every day.  Note – you should take at least 10,000 steps every day. When you can, schedule your workouts ahead of time so that nothing gets in the way.

If you can not workout for 30 minutes a day – break it up and do three 10 minute sessions or two 15 minute sessions. Another thing that help you  exercise is a dog.  A dog needs to take a walk every day. When you own a dog – you are making a commitment to take it on a walk every day. As a result – you will force yourself to go on a walk every day.  Once you get in the habit of going on a walk – you will miss it on days that you cannot go.  Walking with a weighted vest is a very good idea as well. This will make you stronger – burn more calories – and help you prevent bone loss.

Yoga can help you relax and let go of your stress if you even do it once a week. If this also becomes a healthy habit you will feel much better about yourself and about life.  And as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness


Team Destiny

Boost Your Hair Growth

Happy With Her Hair

Happy With Her Hair

Problem With Her Hair

She Has A Hair Problem

In response to an over-whelming number of comments we sat down and created a list of do (s) and don’t (s) – these recommendations are easy to follow and except for – adding  some herbs to your rinse . So let’s get begin…

To boost healthy hair growth – you will need to drink plenty of water. The recommended six to eight glasses a day should be enough. Avoid alcohol – too much fat intake and lots of sugar as these dehydrate you and may leave your hair dry and brittle.

Keep your hair and scalp clean.  Wash it regularly with a good shampoo and conditioner.  Avoid over-washing it as this can lead to breakage.  Also avoid harsh shampoos that remove it’s natural oil leaving it dry and brittle.

Make sure you massage your scalp regularly. Massage improves blood flow to the scalp and ensures that the follicles are well nourished.  Getting enough sleep is also important as hair grows faster while you sleep.

Also relaxing and sleeping well helps you manage stress effectively and helps prevent losing hair due to stress. A number of herbs such as sage and rosemary have been identified as helpful stimulants.

Simply apply a few drops of the essential oil in your shampoo rinsing water and rinse with it.  Also avoid heat treatments and styling your hair using heat as much as possible. This is because heat damages the hair structure leading to excess breakage. If you guys still want more articles let us know – respond below….

Finally, treat it gently. Do not pull it into tight hair styles such as pony tails. Remember to brush it gently and find a good hairdresser who will treat it gently too. Also try to sleep on a satin pillow or cover your hair to reduce the friction on it while you sleep.

Eating right maintaining good grooming practices and a healthy lifestyle will prevent or reduce hair loss and to make sure that your hair growth is optimum – thus giving you gorgeous – healthy hair

And as always you must live well to be well …to your personal wellness..

don –  wellness coach

Team Destiny

The Friend Factor

friendsStrong social ties can give your health a boost.  This is a true statement in all facets of your life.   It is the absolute core of my line of business – network marketing.  But let me assure you that this boost in your wellness occurs to everyone  – when surrounded by friends and loved ones – be happy…

Now have you ever thought of an outing or a chat with a friend as a good health habit? I bet you haven’t – but connecting with others can be powerful medicine – for you or anyone else!  I have found that research shows that our friendships can help us stay healthy .. friends are all about your wellness.

Feel happier!  You being connected to others will increase your self-esteem and your sense of purpose.  And – it can ease stress and help keep depressions at bay.  I also have found that the research has proven that good relationships are the key difference between people who report being  – very happy  – and those who say they are less content – your friends are a large part of your own personal wellness…

So it should be obvious to you – friends help you stay healthy.  Lonely adults seem to be more prone to some medical conditions – including high blood pressure – depression – and dementia,  However – support from others can bolster your immune system and help you bounce back from any health problems you may have.

In fact – good people in our lives may help us live longer too.  According to a recent review of nearly 150 studies – men and women with strong social and community ties are one-third less likely to die prematurely  than isolated people …. are you getting  the picture … be sociable and friendly for you your own wellness….and as always you must live well to be well….to you personal wellness


wellness coach

Team Destiny


How To Grow Healthy Hair

Many of us are concerned about keeping our  hair healthy – in fact – I doubt there is anyone out there who  (if they are honest) wants to be bald – but bald many of us are… So I took the liberty of researching the subject – How To Grow Healthy Hair? – and now you may read our report … always remember we have your personal wellness in mind … we really do care…

Hair is a living organ and if you want to  have healthy lustrous hair – then the first thing you need to do is look at your diet. Why your diet is important essentially is because the food you eat is what feeds the hair follicles and therefore your food determines the type of hair you have. I know (as a personal wellness coach) that a diet that is rich in vitamin D – vitamin C –  and E – as well as minerals such as calcium – iron and zinc are ideal for healthy hair growth. This helps to  grow your hair….

Do you know that you can get these vitamins and minerals from dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and collard greens or a customized nutrition setup. Our hair is mainly made up of proteins – thus increasing your protein intake will help keep your follicles growing healthy and strong.                                 

Some good sources of protein are fish – eggs and beans.  Now your hair also needs fatty acids –  (such as omega 3) –  while it grows  to become supple and soft.  You also can get these fatty acids from fish or from flax seeds –  pumpkin seeds or from supplements.

You can try to eat enough of these foods daily to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals or you can simply take a good customized multivitamin supplement as well as an essential fatty acids supplement … and as always you must live well to be well ,,,, to your personal wellness


Team Destiny

Customize Your Health

Give your body better nutrition – national brand supplements and vitamins treat you just like everyone else; they give you a standard dose of nutrients whether you need them or not. Instead – imagine how you would feel if you got the nutrients your body actually needed and  if all of your bodily systems were fed properly and working at their full potential. Just think of it!!!  I found one (1) setup that is customized — how about that?

This company offers you a customized nutritional supplement that was  developed in partnership with one of the world’s foremost nutritional laboratories. Custom tests that look at your specific metabolic markers and personalized supplements offer you the right balance of nutrients to give your body what it needs for optimal health.  And the test for this amazing product is conducted right in your our own home – I have done it and have realized some amazing results – my wife and I have never felt better – nor have our vitals ever been  better — take a look – we aim to help

And as always you must live well to be well ..   to your personal wellness


Team Destiny

Finally… 8 Healthy Snacks for Spring Time

Spring is upon us, which means that we are no longer  bundled up in sweatshirts and pajamas sitting in front of the television waiting for the snow outside to melt in 3 months. Getting into that bikini swim suit (and looking good in it) is probably is on the top of your priority list right now. That is good.  You still  have a little time to get in shape but you must get going.

The problem with this way of thinking though – is that most people add fuel to the fire by eating junk food.  Living a sedentary life – even if it is only for a few weeks – is bad enough. If you want to relax this Spring – go for it!  But at least eat properly. Here are 8 tasty and healthy snacks that are great for your downtime.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #1: Popcorn – you are better off skipping it at the movie theater – but at home you can prepare it in a healthy way . A bucket of oil-popped movie theater popcorn can contain as much fat as 3 to 5 double cheeseburgers.  But air-popped popcorn is a relatively healthy treat.  3 cups of popcorn have just 93 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.

Healthy Snacks for  Spring Time #2: Pistachios –  pistachios are a great heart-healthy snack full of antioxidants – fiber and good fats.  A 1/2-cup serving only has 170 calories – with 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.  However – that serving also has 14 grams of fat –  so do not stuff yourself on them. The key here are the shells.  Since they are difficult to open – more work is involved -which will make you eat slower.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #3: Red Grapes –  OK – you had to have known that fruits and vegetables would be on this list.  As much as people want to avoid them these days – there will never be a processed snack food that will even come close to matching the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables.  Red grapes exist at the top of the pile.. Full of anti-oxidants and vitamins – red grapes are natures answer to sweet candy.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #4: Mini-pizzas – forget the frozen food section on this one.  Anyone with a toaster can make their own healthy version of frozen pizza. All you need is a whole wheat English muffin – tomato sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese.  The more vegetables and herbs you add to it – the healthier and tastier it will be.

Healthy Snacks for  Spring Time #5: Pita chips With humus – this is another snack you must make on your own if you want it healthy.  All you need is a large whole wheat pita. Cut the edge of the pita into chip-size pieces and then cook them in the oven until crispy before serving with your favorite hummus or dip recipe.  In general – when you rely on pre-packaged foods to do the work for you, the price you pay for it is your health.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #6: Relish Tray – pickled vegetables are extremely low in calories and a great alternative to snacking on high fat, high sugar processed foods. Marinating your vegetables in vinegar or heart-healthy olive oil will control the amount of salt you eat. The reason fruits and vegetables accelerate weight loss is because they are water rich – which means you get a full – satisfied feeling without the calories.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #7: Green Tea – you may not think this is technically a snack – but the health benefits of drinking just one cup of green tea a day can allow you to splurge a little more than usual and still keep your figure in tact. The reason this works is because this beverage has been known to actually stimulate and accelerate a person’s metabolism. At the same time it fills you up – so you have a more satisfied, healthy feeling.

Healthy Snacks for Spring Time #8: Protein Bars – this is the closest thing you will get to eating a chocolate candy bar that is relatively healthy. The best reason these are great for snacking is because they are not trigger foods like crackers and potato chips – so you will not want to eat a lot at once. Protein helps build lean muscle mass – which is essential if you plan on being sedentary until summer (although I hope that is not your plan).

Not that this needs to be said – but you can enjoy even more snack food if you can work some exercise into your life style.  Sit-ups and push-ups – or even getting up and moving around during commercials – will at least keep you more active.  You can even burn calories just stretching out your body. Anything is better than sitting for hours without moving. You do enough of that at night when you are asleep.

Just because you want to stay in and relax does not mean you have to eat poorly. Replace your junk food cabinet with the foods listed above and when it comes summer time  – you will find that you will not have to work so hard at looking your best in that swimsuit. The key here is that you  make an attempt to lead a healthy lifestyle all year around. I bet you look good in that swimsuit – don’t you?

And as always you must live well to be well – to your personal wellness…..


Team Destiny

Don’s Suggestions For Healthy Hair

For a long time I have searched for tips concerning hair loss – the following are my  healthy  hair  tips;

My # 1 tip is for hair that is thin – add silicone or dimethicone to your hair treatment – it makes the strands thicker – will not wash off and will not look greasy – It works!!

My next tip is  – do not wash your hair with hot water — use luke warm water — heat makes your hair brittle and will cause it to break away — the water need not be cold but the tip here is — use luke warm water..

If you color or bleach your hair  – be sure you  use conditioner with protein in it — this is  a must if you want healthy hair!!

Stop long hot blow drying sessions –  hair will dry out and become brittle and fall out –  and while on this subject  – stop long brushing sessions – that only pulls out your hair…

And my final tip for today is to wet your hair before entering a pool – chlorine is very bad for your hair – having your hair wet as you enter your pool will not allow the  chlorine to stick to your hair as it is already full of water …

And as always you must live well to be well …. to your personal wellness


Team Destiny

How Do You Sleep?

Most people who are suffering from a sleeping problem problem don’t usually bother to tell it to anyone and/or get it treated – but I must explain to you that treating sleep disorders is very essential in its primary stage or else it can leave a  large scale psychological impact on your mind as well as body.  Researchers have proven that people who don’t sleep properly are prone to many health problems and psychological disorders which then will bring out  bad moods in them – and ultimately make their whole day go in vain.

Sleeping problems are now becoming more common in people of all age groups and genders. So there is a urgent need to treat it or – at least –  improve your habits so that it does not spoil your life later on. But it is also very important for you to understand that whether you are suffering from a sleeping disorder or not – there are some common symptoms which will tell you whether you are being affected by it or not.   Here are some symptoms  –  are  you prone to concentration lapses  frequently –   how about a loss of reasoning –  or short term memory losses – all with a prevalence of general tiredness throughout the day – all are  reasons for concern!

Did you know that people who are depressed are more  likely to display strange behaviors while they are fast asleep?   It ‘s  common to see people with depression having a  tendency to sleep very early – wake up early in the morning – and  then are unable to sleep again even if they want to. It is also seen that many other depressed patients spend a lot of time just sleeping and doing nothing at all except that – they sometimes sleep to the extent that they sleep for more than a day.   So it is crucial for people who are suffering from depression to seek medical help from a specialist to solve his or her sleep problem. I believe  that to live a healthy life one must have a healthy transition of sleep so that you are fit  both mentally and physically everyday.   Otherwise –  it would be difficult for you to pass your day smoothly and work effectively. In case you have any of these problems that are mentioned above –  please consult a specialist.  And as as always you must live well to be well  … to your personal wellness

The Basic Health Facts of High Blood Pressure

The heart is a tough operating mechanism which moves blood around the body through a very advanced system called arteries and capillaries – the blood is then carried back to the heart by means of veins. Blood pressure is the thrust of this blood in the body pushing up against the inside walls of the arteries as the heart is pumping.

As the heart compresses it will drive this blood into the arteries which makes an increase in pressure. This increase in pressure is noted as systolic pressure.

When the heart decompresses and fills with blood – the pressure in the arteries then declines which is noted as the diastolic pressure.  When the blood pressure is evaluated in the arm – it is both of these pressures which are evaluated.  Blood pressure is always applied as a systolic and diastolic pressure number – and is an important measurement. The measurements are always written one preceding or before the other number, such as 120/80 and always stated in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

The systolic pressure is the 1st or top side number – and the diastolic pressure is the 2nd or lowermost number (for example, 120/80) – so if your blood pressure is 120/80 – it is translating to 120 over 80.

Blood pressure will have a wide range with a variety of people. For example – the top reading which is when the heart contracts (systolic) can change from 90 to 240 mmHg and the bottom pressure which is when the heart relaxes (diastolic) can often change from 40 to 160 mmHg.

Blood pressure can also vary significantly depending on what you are doing during the day. The lowest blood pressures usually happen when you are sleeping or if resting all the muscles. Standing for periods of time – or if you’re performing any form of exercise – any anxiety and problems – or nerviness can also create increases in blood pressure.

That means in one day the blood pressure could change by up to a 30 to 40 mmHg systolic reading with like changes in the diastolic pressure.  This is why it’s so crucial to have the blood pressure taken under the same conditions each time. So your actual health will vary.

For the bulk of the waking hours – the blood pressure remains about the same whether you are sitting or standing still – so ideally – the blood pressure should be 120/80 or lower when the body is rested.

If the blood pressure is steady and remains high at 140/90 or higher – this may indicate a disease called Hypertension which essentially means high blood pressure.  When the blood pressure is high – the heart has to work more to get the blood through your arteries. These then take a beating from having the blood pressured into them – and the danger of a stroke – heart attack, -or even kidney troubles then become that much of a greater risk.

High blood pressure is a serious disease because it has the heart working much harder. If the heart has to work harder for extended periods – it will become large – not healthy. If the heart is slightly enlarged – it can and should still work alright – but if it becomes greatly enlarged it won’t work alright.  High blood pressure can also cause damage to the arteries which can lead to arterial disease.

The higher the blood pressure is the more risk to your health – the more risk you have of acquiring heart disease and stroke.  This means somebody with a blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg is at greater risk than someone with a blood pressure of 120/70 mmHg. And is the reason it is so important for all to lead a wholesome lifestyle to make sure their blood pressure is as low and as healthy as it can be.

If you put up with Hypertension- it can be treated.  Modest cases of Hypertension can usually be treated through lifestyle changes such as the diet – or increasing the workout levels. Some find dropping weight is all that is needed to lower their high blood pressure.

Severe cases of Hypertension will need prescription medications such as diuretics and beta blockers. Diuretics aid the body in getting rid of any excess fluids and salt.  But – from individual experience – keep track of the body’s potassium levels also.  Beta blockers will lower the heart rate and the heart’s output of blood.  These then lower the risk of developing heart and brain problems.  And as always you must live well to be well”’to your personal wellness


Team Destiny

Developing Healthy Exercise Habits

Many people wish they could seek out healthy exercise habits – but lack the ability to develop such proper lifestyle choices. This is not because they are lacking in the capacity to devise workout plans.  They  might not have the experience needed to develop the right exercises. For those that may be struggling with such issues –  here is a brief look at a few of the ways such habits can be properly developed.

The first step to take when it comes to developing wise approaches to healthy exercise habits will deal with setting goals.  More accurately – you will need to look towards devising realistic goals. One of the common errors people make when they look to develop exercise plans is they will make goals that are decidedly not realistic. Losing 10lbs a week or gaining 50lbs of muscle in two weeks is not a likely outcome no matter how hard you workout.  Try to follow me here as I take you quickly into an exploding industry.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry contributes a major share in this global industry. There are many reasons which contribute to this benchmark. The Pharmaceutical machinery’ constantly reviving matching updated technology have provided  a good reputation in India.  I like to refer to it as – building good spending habits  — good habits follow good habits.

In terms of general –  helpful exercise habits to reach your goals – here are a few simple established steps to take:

When you are new to working out, you can keep your sessions brief. Setting up 20 minute workout sessions three times a week would be the right way to start out. Of course – you can increase the workout sessions to a half and hour or to a full hour.

Do a little bit each day. This would be the supplement to the three lengthier workout sessions held during the week. You do not have to workout with high intensity levels each day. That may prove to undermine you goals since over training is never a good thing. But, performing a light amount of exercise everyday will boost your potential to stay lean and in great shape.

Always weave in progressive resistance training into your weekly workout sessions.
Progressive resistance training is – of course – another way of saying weightlifting. Some might not be fond of lifting heavy weights. That is fine. You do not need to lift heavy weights – lightweight workouts can deliver excellent results which is why they are recommended.

A little motivation can go a long way. This means you need to look towards sources of motivation (dons morning thoughts on wordpress) and employ these sources to boost and enhance your desire to stick to your workout plans. Is there a famous actor or athlete that has a physique that you would love to have as your own?  Put a picture of such a person in your workout area. There is a reason why so many gyms have photos on display of famous bodybuilding legends. They are a tremendous motivation for the gym dwellers and similar displays could prove to be enormously helpful in your home gym.

Healthy exercise habits are not difficult to put into action. You simply need to develop a concept of what these exercise habits entail – how to put them into action – and then actually putting them into such action. The concept may seem simple because it is. Simple frequently works!   We have healthy eating habits on this site as well….And as always you must live well to be well…to your personal wellness…

Team Destiny